to see the stupidity and ignorance of the left ... some truly ignorant mfers in there ... smh .. Here are the 19 Worst Media Meltdowns Over the SCOTUS Ruling Defending Americans’ Gun Rights
OMG THESE IDIOTS ARE SO CLUELESS...I mean a dumber group of humans have never existed and I mean all the way to the beginning. NYS is leading the Pac k. Hey Stupid, take one step back and then open th our eyes. BEFORE THE FOLLOWING YOU HAD IT PRETTY DAMN GOOD, THEN...... 1. )You got cocky and applauded Cuomo signing a up to birth abortions Bill a) It outraged much of the US B) set up a suit going to the supreme court. Bam. There goes one of your feet 2). You have voted in a woke NYC mayor that started the absolute lawlessness that spread to all big NYS cities. Then you have a C word Govenuor that thought infringing on gun owners rights while ALLOWING crime to sky rocket was to be applauded. a) that set up a law suit that went to the supreme court.... b) Then let's not forget the Feds have allowed violent rhetoric and violence attacks to occur. To threaten the safety of the SUPREME COURT. Gee Why would that not bring the ability and right for self protection in to a prominent thought for them. ..BAM there goes your standing with the second foot blown away. You are the reason for ... " Give them enough rope. They will hang themselves" "Give them an inch and they'll attempt to take a mile" Stupid,stupid, stupid and clueless
All this hyperbole over the "may issue" must show "proper need" for a conceal carry permit and how it is going to turn NYC into the Wild West. Someone, anyone, pro or anti, please ahow me one instance of a state or city becoming the wild west after instilling conceal carry permits or even constitutional carry with 0 requirements. I will wait.... This stupid compariaon has no bearing whatsoever on the impacts of concealed carry. Oh no, violent felons may get killed as they try to mug their next victim or car jack an elderly man/woman, eff your pronouns too, or points a loaded firearm at a gas station clerk in an attempt to get his college tuition money. We must protect the Democrat voters from being killed. Pathetic fear mongering at its best. So please change my mind with an example.
yup, what a city ... smh .. Congratulations, Chicago Criminals: Police No Longer Allowed To Chase On Foot For ‘Minor Offenses’ 'consider alternatives' to pursuing someone who 'is visibly armed with a firearm.'
That is just really sad. Whoever is running the show and putting him out in public should be charged with elder abuse!
Imagine if a liberal supreme court made a ruling and a republican president said that the judgement was misguided and wrong? F'ing hypocrites.
This is why I prefer Supreme Court Justices who stick to the Constitution and leave their feelings aside.