Get ready for a weekemd of unrest. SCOTUS is likepy to release their opinion that could overturn Roe vs Wade. Should also get the opinion on the NY concealed carry case as well, depends om how broadly they rule on if it will have a national affect.
I've been thinking about Bidens federal tax 'holiday' and lobbying states to waive state gas tax. While consumers may enjoy the wallet relief, I think this may be more harm than crazy as that may sound. Seems I recall many (most?) states rely on gas tax heavily for road/DOT projects. I think he has suggested a 3 month wave. What are the impacts to roads? National debt or state budgets? I think this could add fuel (pun intended) to inflation and potentially worse roads/transportation impacts...
Depends on how much of that tax tevenue is actually allocated to what it was implemented to fund. Here in IL it's intended use is rarely it's actual use. We're at double the federal tax, but Prickster has delayed automatic increases until after the primary election in November. Then the IL lawmakers have passed a law that requires gas stations to display posters and other propaganda stating how Prickster has helped "ease the pain" at the pump. Thankfully most stations are also adding their own tax calculators for people at the pump to see gow much they are being taxed still and url's to the laws passed and them signed by Prickster doubling the state gas tax and the auto increases set to start back up after polling places close.
So I guess they have changed their calendar a bit and will issue opinions tomorrow, Friday and possibly again Monday and can still add days until the dismiss for the term.
Of course your correct on all fronts. Biden is the leader of a bunch of fools telling him things to repeat like some feckless child. I also firmly believe Hunter with his drug addled brain is pushing way to many plans on dear old dad. You will not convince me that it's Hunter behind the Cartel rule over our southern border. They have zero morals and are treasonous criminals. The lot of them in my opinion
Sanctions seemed to have improved Russia's economy and... Russia's ruble is at its strongest level in 7 years despite massive sanctions
And another 6B of school debt forgiven...that's another $40 and change added to the tab of every US taxpayer. This atop you generous gift of over $335 for the Ukraine campaign. /sarcasm
They actually forgave the student loan debt? Time for a class action lawsuit from all the real adults that paid of their student loans. Bonus points for doing it early. I demand my money back. We should we even pay for college?
It was for a specific set of schools, I think there was a similar decision prior ~1.5-1.7B. Apparently a class action suit related to some schools with predatory behaviors...for ~200k borrowers. Regardless, the $ was spent, but leant by a govt agency. So, you, John and Jane taxpayer, effectively, eat the cost.
Watching Hochul press conference this morning with a big smile on my face while out to breakfast. That bag should get on her broomstick and go away. What a pos she is. SCOTUS got it right or at least 6 of them did.