It just got real... Now There’s a Sriracha Shortage and Chili-Heads Are Up in Arms
There are two logical checks that can be applied: -Would this purposed regulation have headed off one of these events -Is it within/not stepping on others constitutionally protected rights. Most proposed legislation fails one of these simple tests. The last problem is more regulation won't necessarily solve any issues as these shooters have (obviously) no regard for the law. IMHO -I believe minor records should not be expunged and evaluated for correlation and/or inclusion in NICS checks. -Federally funded school record like behavioral issues also perhaps assessed for correlations. -SSA already received a lot of the US popular medical records and data (Most folks don't know this) which perhaps could be mined to assess correlations (like mental health or pharmacedudicals). -Suggestions like ex military as armed SROs or other hardening may be possible...likely costly. A standard for security and entry may be reasonable for new schools...again retro fits are possible albeit costly. -There seems to be other issues needing attention (seems less related to mass shooters than other criminals) that also need to be addressed in the corrections & liberal prosecution/judicial. I don't see this as a gun issue as a societal issue. Why? Semi autos have been around for 100 or so years...Mass shootings not so....first real case seems to be Univ TX 1966, with greater frequency the past 20 yrs...what's changed? Violent video games, **** on TV and movies, increased use of drugs (prescribed and recreational), liberal mind set, a drift from Judeo Christian heritage...frankly, little has changed with firearms except more laws, variety, materials.