So poll shows a majority of Democrats prefer a world ending meteorite than 4 more years of Trump! This from the Green new Deal people that call Republicans evil, selfish ,rubes.
It is Oregon, been that way for years there. They really do freak out if you don't remember and look like you're going to pump your own fuel. Went to the Oregon coast a couple of years ago for a mini vacation, got out at the first couple of gas stations before it sank in.
Oregon was but I believe not long ago they changed to pump your own Just looked it up Oregon and New Jersey are the only two states that ban self-service gas stations. But thanks to a new law that went into effect on January 1, customers can now pump their own gas in Oregon, though only at stand-alone gas stations in counties with fewer than 40,000 residents. Elsewhere, the ban still holds.Jan 3, 2018 Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I remember reading when Oregon first went to pump your own there was an ungodly amount of diesel in gas car mixups ...... “environmentalist” thought the green handle meant “green “ gas Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I doubt that there were that many - the diesel spigot is bigger than the gas spigot so it won’t fit in the hole for a gasoline tank. They kind of designed it to be idiot proof like they did back in the day when they switched to unleaded gas and made the hole smaller so the leaded gas pumps wouldn’t fit in the unleaded cars. if anything I would guess that there a lot were more issues with people putting gas in their diesels. Not so much the folks driving diesel trucks because they would likely know the differance from using lawn mowers and chainsaw and such but more along the lines of the city folks driving those clean diesel eco fairy rainbow volkswagons and mercedeses.