well, the battle is on ... .... George Soros, Clinton and Obama staffers and European governments are behind anti-Musk campaign to force big corporations to boycott Twitter - after Elon demanded to know 'who funds these organizations?' A group of 26 activist organizations and NGOs signed a letter to companies who advertise on Twitter, warning them to reconsider if Elon Musk makes changes Musk has pledged to lift the 'censorship' of Twitter: critics worry that he will give free rein to those trafficking in hate speech and dangerous scientific theories The letter writers said that Musk 'will further toxify our information ecosystem and be a direct threat to public safety' They wrote: 'Twitter risks becoming a cesspool of misinformation, with your brand attached' Musk replied, wanting to know who was behind the 26 groups signing the letter, and commenting: 'Sunlight is the best disinfectant' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar...-European-governments-anti-Musk-campaign.html
and TESLA is at 93.9% in the blue so to speak .... who owns Tesla ?? ....... kinda Musk-ratish, isnt it ......
as much as I despise the premise much less the existence of the DGB; technically Congress made no such law. They delegated regulatory authorities to the Executive Branch. It is the Executive Branch which must be reigned in- that's literally Congresses job.
Holy carp! That avalanche of lies I mentioned is bring down the mountain! Crazies are on full display....
When the CNBC calls out Biden... Biden touts $1.5 trillion budget deficit reduction — but he's not telling the whole story https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/04/bid...tion-but-hes-not-telling-the-whole-story.html