Unexpectedly? U.S. economic growth rate unexpectedly declined in the first quarter by 1.4% https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/28/us-q1-gdp-growth.html
He posted this after audio from the Twitter emergency staff meeting leaked where this broad was crying. Elon is a beautiful savage.
Here's the thing ...in the coming year Putin is going to unleash a nuclear weapon somewhere. There is exactly one and only one true reason this is going to happen. The American people , listen up you suburban twats, voted in the weakest administration in U.S. history. He is counting on the fact Biden would not respond, well not allowed to at the very least. He also knows the EU would fold like an accordion.
I can see it now, cue cards are being printed and delivered to media outlets as we speak. "Putins economy shrinkage"
Quote of the year here. The only demographic in which Brandon enjoys a majority favorable opinion is white suburban women. #1 profession of white suburban college educated women? Teachers (and education field in general.) By a landslide. Something like 80-90% of all k-12 educators are white women, the majority of which live in suburban areas (even the majority of ones who teach inner city live in outlying areas.) And I got that straight from the Bureau of Labor Statistics bls.gov
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" The Ministry of Truth" .... ^^^ (1984/Orwell book ..) The Ministry of Truth is involved with news media, entertainment, the fine arts and educational books. Its purpose is to rewrite history to change the facts to fit Party doctrine for propaganda effect
Gee that sounds like fascism…but it can’t be, because the last administration was supposed to be the fascists
The quantifier "something like" would bring your numbers into relevance you troll Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Of the Twitter employees that donate to political causes, 99% of Twitter employees do so to Democrat run groups. That's a fact. Anyone that believes that doesnt factor into Twitters day to day is a moron. Plain view.
So you all know I'm blunt Just watched Psaki ... My sincere hope and wishes for her are... To have a strong, nasty, perpetual yeast infection until the day she passes and has a very long life