Curious little story… @dnoodles, thoughts?
I read that last night. My first thought was very ominous and possibly warning of some some sort of EMP event or satellite disruption; but by the end my takeaway is that the premise of the article appears that Russian airlines currently utilize US-provided GPS services....they are telling their airlines to prepare for a time when/if US services are terminated (assuming by the US) due to the UKR situation; and the inevitable gap in time it takes them to switch over to Chinese-based systems. So in the end, just us pushing Russia ever deeper into the welcoming arms of the CCCP.
Im pretty ignorant on the subject but isnt Glonas russian equivalent of gps? Or is it a thing of the past. Just wondering why they arent using their own technology if im right.
Glasnos is the Russian GPS… Little known, our military sometimes also disables our GPS too, generally for war games.