Yet your the one degrading a young lady you don’t even know for a laugh, yeah I am the troll. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We all know you are not the purveyor of truth and goodwill to all. Yes, you are a troll. So bug off. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
It’s called being a decent human being and not degrading a young lady you don’t even know. I am sure you are proud of your self for taking part in degrading this young lady. What did this young lady do to deserve this? Never mind I know you can’t answer honestly. Everyone here if that was their daughter would be livid, no harm no foul I guess for you. Let’s just fall in line and laugh, because If someone gets out of line, we’ll we can’t have have free thinkers now can we. So here, oh that’s a good one Greg, you sure showed that pervert Clinton, you really got him. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Everyone here, like you, doesn't even know the woman. Also, you are quite possibly the only one who will give this a seconds thought. Your false bravado is not fooling anyone. Your speech here only proves what everyone here already knows ........ you are a troll who is trying to seem virtuous. It is not working, you're still a troll. Go back under your bridge. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
So that makes it okay? It’s okay to spread lies about a person if she/he is not known. Good to know. If I took that picture and put one your family members in next to Clinton as long as I posted it where she was not known, it’s okay to spread it around the internet calling her a sex slave? Call me whatever you want. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That meme has been all over the internet. By me reposting it did it make a difference to anyone but you? Again, nice try with your virtue signaling. We know you aren't that caring of anyone but yourself. I think my pet rock has more brain cells than you. I don't care what you think, say or do. Nothing you do will change my mind. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk
You reposting showed a lack of character by you and that you’re just a lemming. Carry on Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Luckily there wasn't 6 years of disinformation being pumped out attacking Trump and his family or protecting Biden and his family. Where's all the outrage from Germ on that? I can say not one meme that I have read or posted on this entire site, regardless of content, has persuaded my thinking in any way. Politics or otherwise.
He is a joke and ****stirrer. But I will forever defend his right to spew his nonsense and one sided tolerance. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Suck on this O'biden ... BREAKING: Federal judge strikes down Biden's public transit mask mandate A federal judge has struck down the Biden administration's mask mandate for public transportation.
Who was in the "Easter Bunny" suit that cut Biden off? What a crock of unintelligible chit is our Country's President. I can't even blame Biden anymore because day by day it becomes more clear that incompotent piece if chit has no clue he is in charge. Tell me how we are better off today than during your teary eyed genitals not being touched days of Trump? Show your pride in voting Biden.
1 of 2 likely scenarios. That secret service agent is like. You guys ain’t paying me enough to do this in a bunny costume. Jen psaki “dam’nt joe don’t say anything stupid you old dunce, I don’t want to clean up after you in the briefing room this afternoon, why don’t you just go over there by the kids.”
I would go with the first scenarios. Jen couldn't clean anything up without looking like a worst, lying dunce and circling back to reaffirm it.
It was a Whitehouse assistant. Sent from my SM-G981U using Tapatalk