Best buck I've gotten on cam this year, actually only the 3rd or 4th multi point buck at all. I'll take him though EK000071 - YouTube
He headed right for my stand but turned right up into some thick doe bedding area. Where he disappears I have a 2nd trail cam that points on the trail in front of my stand, he didn't trigger it so on that path I'd have to see him ahea of time and try to stop him in one of two lanes. I've only had one buck in daylight, probably somewhere in the 110-120 range. Video was horrible for some reason, not sure if the card or the cam caused it. Have to look at the settings in the morning on it.
Trying to figure out why he's walking with his tail up like that. Wonder if something spooked him or what? Doesn't seem natural
There is a big buck where I hunt that walks alot with his tail half way up also... or maybe he was just walking after finishing his buisness.
I'm officially excited!! But still need them to show up during the daylight. I'd definitely shoot either of them. Anyone want to take a guess on scores? Looks like the second video, if it is the same as the first is actually a double split brow tine 12pt.. Think I have him last year as well Previously posted New, same buck? [video=youtube_share;Vz_uYWcIdCg][/video] New buck [video=youtube_share;tQz789ZVyaE][/video] Same buck different view [video=youtube_share;eGBPxi0mfHE][/video]