This is the buck that I nicked low with the bow.I hope to get him with the gun or late bow season.He is for sure the bigest buck I have ever hunted.I'm not good at scoring yet Thanks Jim
He'd probably score around the 100inch mark, as for age its pretty hard to tell without a picture of it's body. Judging by its antlers I'd probably guess a 2-1/2 year old depending on genetics. Best of luck!
Apparently he scores enough to make you happy, and, that's all that matters ! If I were to venture a guess, I would say around 100"..Hard to judge age and score from this photo, but likely 2.5yo. Get on 'em !
I would say he is right around that 100" mark aswell. Tough to say on age, he sure doesn't have much for tine length or mass, but he does have a few points.