For those of you guys using a hand climber of some sort, how do you change the angle of the platform mid-climb if necessary? I use a sit and climb and its very easy to do so. Just wondering?
I see. like you said, not being able to change the platform angle mid-climb would definitly be a deal breaker
Well like any other climber the bottom is at an angle as you climb it levels off. As stated the LW has a strap that lets it become a sit & climb. I usually just put my fore arms parallel on the seat and support myself to adjust my platform )it's faster, if you have the upper body strentgh) then stand on my platform and adjust my seat where i want it.
I understand how to use a climber, I was referring to actually loosening or tightening the belt around the tree. You know, if you get to 20ft off the ground and realize your platform is going to be sloped downward making it uncomfortable to stand on.