How do you find and hunt deer in thick pine woods with thicker underbrush? I have always hunted hardwoods in or around creek bottoms with acorns out the wazoo! I am a self taught deer hunter with my main information coming from mags and books. Never had hunting buddies or family deer hunters so info is scarce. Any help for the green horn from some Piney Hunters!
The lease I hunt on back in Spurger, TX is exactly the same. Its owned by a lumber company. The only way there is to hunt is to cut shooting lanes and have feeders. But be aware of cutting or removing any trees without the lumber company doing it because you can get fined for each tree you remove. Most of the lumber companys already have established lanes for hunters if it has been leased for a while. All I can tell you is to work on calling, have scent control and get ready for a close quaters battle because they will be on top of you before you even thought about seeing them. Sometimes all I hear is the snort/wheeze because they have so much cover to move in. Down in SE Texas we have to work for those deer, Bowhunting of course. Gotta love the Piney Woods and the Big Thicket! Hope I helped.