Last June i was fortunant enough to win a $50.00 gift certificate from pine ridge archery at the G2G at coon hunters club in one of the shoot off contest :d Justin recomended the AT5 camera mounts from pine ridge archery so i ordered two of them. If you have not tried one yet i recomend them. They can be used as normal on a tree or fit two kind of fence post when a tree is not where you need it to be sometimes. Ill give a few pointers of how i modified my two fence post to be a little more practical. I didnt want to be pounding in a post in the summer when the ground is hard and making all kinds of racket so this is what i do. I took my post and cut it in half, one for each mount. Weld a piece of 1/2" round rod sharpened on one end. I added a foot platform for pushing when the ground is hard. I hate making pounding noise with a hammer :d I added some camo and this is what you get. two mounts with one post. I now is easy to rotate left or right by just turning the pole. The AT5 has adjustability to be pitched forward or rearward by loosining a wing nut. If you need to tweak it forward or rearward just slightly all you have to do is tip the post a little, the ground will give enough. Try em, you will like em.
Looks pretty nice Crick. How far off the ground is the camera in that picture? Will it spin freely?...if so I would push it down in the ground far enough so the post actually grabs some dirt. I hope you are in a safe spot. Looks like a couple of wing-nut turns and some a-hole could have your cam. Let us know how it works for you.
janesburge, I do plant the pole just a little in the ground, about an inch to keep winds from rotating it, good point In this paticular setup i have the cam close to the ground and tilted down because there is a constant down hill grade you cant see where the cam is pointing. Its facing a bean field with about 30 yards of grass between the field and the woods. I set the laser sighting device where it is about 2' off the ground all the way down. The location its in now is where i can see it from my house on our lease. There are 9 long beards every evening and morning where they exit and enter in this location from the roost. I have metal boxes with cable locks for places if i feel there is a threat of theves.
Nice stake crick, but they are already in production. LOL Weird you made that on your own though, it looks IDENTICAL to one a guy was showing me last week he got from a camera mount company....the name escapes me though. Even down to the sharpened rod at the bottom with a step to drive it in, everything looks IDENTICAL. You got any pics of that toad that dropped the sheds you found?
Trev, i didnt mean to post as an invent. The AT5 is meant to be used with trees or fence post. I just dont like driving them in the ground so i modified it a bit!!! Would you believe i had made a swivel type mount years ago when i could do a search and find none in production?? The patent process and $$$ it took to get a patent scared me off. now camera mount sticks are everywhere no pics of the toad either, got it set up for turkeys right now.
No I knew you werent claiming to be an inventor here, just thought it was cool you made one on your own that turned out IDENTICAL to one already in production.....pretty neat.
Jim, Im pulling it tomorrow, its been on the stake for a week now where you see it in the pic. Should have some turkeys and maby some Deer to. Look for pics tomorrow possably.
Wanna hear something funny BC. I don't know if you get to.. but if you ever get a chance to watch Midwest Outdoors magazine television.. Pine Ridge has a commercial about the AT-5. Here's the kicker.. JZ is the star in the commercial and his part was filmed by I. Always makes me laugh when I see it. It's a pretty neat product anyway.
Duke,, I was going to post that in my initial post but forgot :d I have seen that commercial quite a few times before :d JZ is a star, the only guy i have ever seen strike a pose with a fence post Good job on the camera Duko