Anyone watch Pig Nation on Discovery last night? Those eurasian boars are taking over the world! Man I really want to shoot one of those. I almost had a crack at 3 years ago hunting in Texas, but the looming thunderstorm came in a bit too soon! They haven't made it this far north yet, some in Southern Ohio from what I read. But hell people thought Dad and I were crazy when we saw a coyote in the wild back in the 80's and now they are everywhere. So maybe in my lifetime, I'll get to eradicate some of these swine in the wild!
A couple friends got one each around here and the DNR say's they are coming in full force. They want to wipe them out but I would like to see more of them. I cant wait till one comes my way-yum yum!!!!
Its very exciting. I love to hunt them but I hate the pests. Nothing tears up ranch land like a feral hog. DO NOT wish for them in your woods!
I know. A lot of my family farms but I'm a hunter so I do have some mixed feelings. If farmers would let more hunters come onto their land to hunt the damage may not be as bad. We have farmers complain about crop damage from deer but will not let anyone hunt them. Some farmers just gut shot them from the tractor and let them run off to die.Its hard to feel sorry for them when they do stuff like this.Now the big complaint around here is Turkey damage. What to do????
that's actually a good tactic to take with the land owners... wonder if I could convince some landowners about whitetails damaging their crops?? :evil:
You would think it would be but its rare for any of them to let anyone hunt.That's the way it is around here.Doesnt make any sense to me.
I'm going to add to Greg's thoughts... THEY ARE A HUGE PITA, DO NOT WISH FOR THEM IN YOUR WOODS!!!! They are fun to hunt, I won't deny... but I'd rather have no pigs to hunt and not worry about all the damage they do and the deer they push off... And once you get them, they are almost impossible to get rid of. You guys can come hunt them down here for like... pretty much nothing (no licencse requirements in Oklahoma).
They are bad news!!! Love to hunt them but hate to deal with them. The tear up land and can hurt your deer pop in some ways. And like people said you cant get rid of them no matter what
I dont want them here either... I am content on them tearing up Dub's place.... I will just go back to Dub's place to hunt the rodents :d
You guys are funny..this isn't a choice. If they come, they come. I'm not opting for them, but according to the show, it may be inevitable.
ya i saw it last night. luckly they arent up here in MN(as of i know) damn they look like a pest. is there any liscense restrictions on them? or even a season for that matter??
They are starting to make a little population up about 40 minutes from my house. A hunting preserve had them and somehow the fence got damaged and some hogs escaped, now they are breeding and from what I have heard they are starting to spread out and breed. I havn't seen any close to my properties but my aunt has saw several around her house. Its just a matter of time until they spread out this way and I'll be waiting to put a 165 grain .280 bullet into them!