My brother put his trail camera on another piece of ground that he does the majority of his buck hunting on. He was hoping to catch a pic of a good buck but so far hasn't had any luck. He did get some Interesting pics though. What ya think?
Steve, are you sure that the deer in the 4th pic isn't a buck that's dropped his antlers? that deer has a pretty decent size body and some apparent "flat spots" on the head... cool pics either way.
It is hard to tell without being able to zoom, but can you tell if that deer lost it's leg due to an injury of some type or does it appear to be a birth defect?
Sure Is a sheded buck guys. The last 2 pics are of the same deer (sheded buck). The fawn without the left front leg was wounded during our gun season here. My brother saw the fawn from stand about 40 yards away and could tell It was wounded by the big hole underneath the elbow. He said at the time skin was all that was holding the leg on. Surprisingly this fawn looks to be In real good health so far with all the snow we've had. If she runs Into a coyote with all this snow we've got I'd bet she won't make It far.
very cool pics. mabey it's just me but even though i know that deer is more or less "fine", i always feel bad for injured deer. if that were my land and i had a tag i'd shoot that deer. kind of a putting it out of it's misery or whatever, plus i don't want to feed the scavengers
Yep. I felt bad too and so did he. When my brother saw the Injured fawn while out deer hunting It was much too far (40 yards) for his longbow. By the sounds of It he would've shot this deer had It came another 20 to 25 yards closer.