Heres some pics from my 35mm stealth cam sure its old but you know what it works, never has failed me yet. I have not hunted this stand site yet, probably hunt it tomorrow night. Only one decent 8 pointer in this set, Im going to put it back out and see if any others are coming through, these pics are about 3-4 weeks old or so. If I had a digital they would have been up well before this. I have more than these, had a total of 24 pics in 4 days.
Nope, took the film to walgreens and had them develop the film and put them on a cd as well, only cost me 6 bucks :d
Im not sure whats in this area that the deer like, theres no bait there at all. must be some acorns. I cant wait to hunt that stand tomorrow nite
Ohh if you look behind the tree to the imediate right in the pics, youll see my climbing sticks on the tree behind it. You have to look close but you can see them. Also, this is a spot that I have wanted to hunt for 11 years but never did. Its just west of my rifle stand about 60 yards. I cant shoot back in there with a rifle becasue the amount of brush and the deer are always going through there during gun season. So I thought about maybe cutting them off early in the year :d
That cd thing is a good idea for sure...I have a lot of pic's that I want to swap over to digital but don't have all of the negatives, thats whay I asked.. I see the sticks, that is a good deal....Best of luck with the spot, maybe that buck will slip up and come in there in daylight hours on you!!!!