Havent been getting alot of pics at all lately in fact I havent had any bucks what so ever in over a month. I always go out and check my cams like I was hunting, good shower, rubber boots, etc. I also need to lay out some fresh raxx so that may have something to do with it aswell. I know they are there but im feeling like they may have altered travel routes while I dont think it is form me it is kind of discouraging this close to the season on my best property. On a side note, I did pick up another 20 acres of adjacent property right next to this one so thats exciting and I am also shooting verywell! Blue is bedding Yellow is roughly were my cams are located right now Heres a rough layout...
My pics are way down as well. With the crops maturing, I think they have changed patterns. I changed all my camera locations last time out. Blessings.......Pastorjim
same experience for me last week, we dont have any crops to speak of in the area that my cams are in. even does and fawns seemed sparse. only thing we could think of was that they were just laying low, not moving much and possibly staying closer to water/ cooler areas because of the heat we have had over the last couple of weeks... who knows.
Yup travel patterns have changed Good luck tracking them down and congrats on the new property Finny !
Right there with ya man.... Def WAY down from previous years in general as well.... I have more corn around me this year than I know what to do with, its driving me insane. Im just not seeing the 3.5 & 4.5 yr olds like I usually am!