I seemed to have locked my filing cabinet. I can't find the key. I don't believe I'm dumb enough to have locked it in there, but I've looked in every logical place I would have left the key. Does anyone know how to pick a lock? I watched the guys on mythbusters do it with the film from a light bulb. Why can't I do it with paper clips and small screw drivers? Any tips on how to do this before I lose my mind (no I do not want to spend $85 on a lock smith)?
The lock should have a number of pins inside the key hole (could be 2, 3, 4, or 5). Ideally, you should be able to shove something small (bobby pinned-sized) to the bottom of the lock (where the tip of the key would be. Then, slowly work you way up as you gently push each pin in. Don't puch too hard though, or it will reset. I realize this sounds very vague and unclear. I will try and find a link to help you out.
http://pintumbler.org/Projects/Locks/cl.html Look at the bottom of the page (the last lock they describe). I would assume that is what is on your filing cabinet.
I like to think I am too. But since I'm turning 30 this year I think it's a little bit of a stretch for me.