You play how you practice in archery, you want to use the same set up for hunting that you shoot and practice with.
Yep archery country is about 45 minutes from me but then pretty much any sporting goods place is lol Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I would definitely change pro shops they should have never done that. You should have been setup with proper spined arrows for you and proper arrows for the wife. One tip as well, Granted I dont know you or your body size etc. so i'm basing this off of things i've seen. A lot of guys will buy a bow and start out at max poundage because they can pull it, but i've seen way to many bad habits form by doing this. I always tell people that are new to start lower to get good form and develop good habits, then increase poundage if you really want too.
I watched several videos about proper form and such before I started and if I couldn’t keep proper form or had any struggle to draw it back while keeping form I would lighten it up quite a bit. I think it’s part to do with the bow I bought, a friend of mine can’t draw his bow at 70 but can mine, for some reason it is smoother than his PSE is at 60 idk why. Oh and I have since changed pro shops to archery country. I still like cabelas selection tho Sent from my iPhone using Forums