The archery. I could hunt exactly the same way I do now with a gun but it's the archery, and everything that's involved with the archery, that I love about bowhunting.
Even though it is the combination of things listed that lure me to bowhunting, if I had to pick one it would be the up close and personal thing. You have to be in their space to kill them, and that excites me.
If it were onlt ONE thing, I would quit ... it all works together .... Scott called it the journey ... others ahve picked different aspects, but without it all, I wouldn't hunt
I love bowhunting because it's me against an animal in their own surroundings. For the most part its man vs. beast. I love the memories that you take away from each encounter whether you tag the animal or let them pass. The ability to take away a learning lesson from each and every sit. But what really keeps me coming back is the anticipation on the next moment. You never know what you are going to see each and every time you get up in that stand.
-the satisfaction of doing something that people before me have been doing for thousands of years -the challenge -the peace it brings me -the chance it gives me to teach others about what my passion is
While I love tinkering with gear, scouting, strategizing on set ups, looking at game cam pics, discussing where to go, and finally releasing the arrow the thing I love the most is probably the easiest to attain and doesn't even require a bow. There is nothing better for me than easing back into the seat of my treestand on a cool fall day and smelling the earth and the leaves and just letting all of the tension drain out of me. It's so relaxing that I often fall asleep. To me, that is what keeps me coming back.
Excellent Bry... "There is nothing better for me than easing back into the seat of my treestand on a cool fall day and smelling the earth and the leaves and just letting all of the tension drain out of me. It's so relaxing that I often fall asleep. To me, that is what keeps me coming back."
All of it. I like the equipment, I like the techniques...the art of it....the difficulty.... all of it. SB
For me it is definetely the face to face close encounter. I have gotten as much if not more satisfaction by rattling a nice young buck inside of twenty yards and deciding to pass than I have had shooting some deer. I love it. It is definetely for me most fullfilling just being a part of their natural environment, even if for just a short time. This is what I love about bowhunting.
I agree with PT, if it were just one, it wouldn't be what it is for me. In the last few years as life has picked up the pace, it's been the one place that I can decompress. This time (now) of year has pressure building and the timing of archery season could not be better. I NEED it. There's no other way to put it. BUT that said, I also love the excitement, the challenge, the prep, and the MEAT.
That split second.......that absolute pinnacle........that fraction of a millisecond when time stands still.....It just simply stops......ever so briefly........when the fletching disappears.