I cant really tell by the picture but you shouldnt hold the handle of your bow tight. you should try and just let it sit in the cup of your hand when your at full draw. hope this helps
Does your bow have a dead stop at full draw? The only thing I can see is your bow arm elbow bent a little bit. That's a very good question for all of us to ask occasionally since we can't see our own form. It's a good way to stay out of bad habits. Blessings........Pastorjim
yeah it's hard to tell because my camera guy was holding a beer in the other hand lol, but my fingers are just really long. i have it sitting right in the thumb groove and knuckles are at a 45 degree angle. it's definitely something i struggle with, having chicken fingers. lol
yeah it has a draw stop on it. i can see that my arm is bent a little too much, but i have ridiculously long arms. it's something im working on and hopefully it will be a little better, and i can adjust my anchor and peep for next time i take a pic.
yeah it has a draw stop on it. i can see that my arm is bent a little too much, but i have ridiculously long arms. it's something im working on and hopefully it will be a little better, and i can adjust my anchor and peep for next time i take a pic.
Try putting your feet a little closer together and opening up your stance just a bit. Should make everything more solid for you.
I hear ya... Work on the stuff I suggested on there then post another pic, once you get the stance & bow arm fixed then we can see if the draw length needs adjusting after that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk