Although bowhunting is a solo journey, I do so enjoy the video end of it, the walk in and out as well. I've giggled so very much in a tree with friends. That said, there are so many that I have not had the pleasure to share this joy with and there are so many I would love to. Germ, I want to go for the boat ride! Huck, just to experience the passion! There are a ton of you guys!
So I gotta travel 5 hours to bug you and increase property value up there? We would have to go to Burniegoeasliy's place so we wouldn't get chunked under the jail!
In no particular order Chris Brackett - can flat out shoot John Eberhart - love reading his stuff Michael Waddell and his crew - be fun to have around camp
Family: 1. My grandfather (he passed away 2 years ago) He only riffle hunted and I pretty much just archery hunt. Also the last few years he did less and less hunting. 2. My fiancée, I had been hunting for about 3 years before we got together. But I didn't know a whole lot about scouting, reading deer signs and so on. He has tought me and help me so much in the pass few years become a better hunter. I just hope to get my first buck and/or doe this year! 3. My dad, He quit hunting when I was about 8 or 9. 4. My fiancée nephew, he already love's the outdoors. 5. My niece's, I'd love to get them in to hunting. They have both said they'd like to try it and both love shooting bows. But we got a few years before they can yet so we'll just have to wait and see. Now on to Celeb's: 1. Jim Shockey 2. Miranda Lambert 3. Michael Waddell 4. Blake Shelton 5. Lee & Tiffany