My list would be..... Will Primos (Elk) Paul Brunner (Elk) Myles Keller (DEer) Danny Moore (Elk) Jim Dougherty (Anything), because the man is a living legend, and I'm sure as much as I enjoy reading his stories, hearing him tell them would be even better.....
Most of the people I want to hunt with, I already have...... 1. Johnny "Greg Miller" Herrmann..... Great friend and we have a blast together. 2. JZ 3. Duke..... Had a blast with these two chumps last fall and look forward to it again this fall. 4. Buckeye.... If Scott can refrain from sack punching himself, I wouldn't mind hunting with him someday. 5. Lots of people, especially my wife and brother.
Washington Hunter TEmbry Quiksilver Bols Dubbya (Schultzy, Dan, Okbowhunter (will), Caleb,Duke, Buckeye, Joey Rott,...and on, and on, and on) I'll pretty much hunt with you can tell from the chumps listed:D
My best friend Vinny and my brother Dave would be my first choices, I moved out of state 20 years ago and even though we still get together once in a while we haven't hunted since I moved. I also think a trip to Burleson to hunt with the gang would be a blast. As far as celebrities go Fred Eichler would be my first choice. I'd actually love to go hunting with just about anyone, my only criteria is safety. I dislike people who forget to do the right thing when caught up in the passion of the moment.
1. My dad, I really wish he was still hunting and didn't give up on it. I had so many great times with him. 2. My pap, he was the guy that really got me interested in hunting and fishing. 3. My fiance, Tiffany, I love spending time in the woods with her. The enjoyment she gets from just being out their and seeing animals is very refreshing, especially when I start putting to much into my hunting and don't stop to appreciate the fact that I am doing something that I love. 4. My best-friend Matt, we could spend an entire week in the woods hunting together without ever saying a word and still know exactly what each other is doing and what our game plan is. 5. My nephew Noah, he is only 5 but he has a passion for the outdoors and I can't wait till I get to take him out. Now, if I had to pick 5 guys from this site, Matt/PA-(I would have to lay the smackdown on that sissy), Scott- (buckeye) so we could trash talk on all you haters, Ryan (Rybo)- he seems alot like me in how he hunts and fishes, Rob (Rob/PA)- I got a fever, and the only prescription is more mullet, and finally Germ- I would love to share a deer camp with him, get back to the old school traditional roots of hunting, the part that is all but gone today. As far as hunting "celebs" go, Roger Raglin, Michael Waddell, Stan Potts, Jim Shockey, and Walter Parrot
There would be plenty of smack to throw around on this ensemble of archery queens and internet hunters too :d
If I were picking famous people my list would look like this... Mike Waddell Jim Shockey Chuck Adams Fred Eichler Any of the Primos guys
I wouldn't mind hunting with most of you guys, and im always open to run the camera. Hopefully i can film with some of you guys this fall/next spring.
That's a pretty tough question... I've been fortunate to hunt with a few and would like to hunt with pretty much everyone else, kind of a cop out I know but... it's true. I'd really like to hunt with Bols in Illinois, simply because I know I could have any stand I wanted as he'd be on the tractor! :D :evil:
1. Blake Shelton 2. T Bone 3. Mike Waddell 4. Nick Mundt 5. Duke Any of the above would make for a great time in camp or afield. Shelton is funny as hell and seems really down to earth. Same for the next 3. Duke just seems like a kindred spirit as far as I can tell.
There are definately a lot of guys on here, I would like to hunt with. I'm not sure I could even start to name all of them
1. My Great Grandfather Arthur Hemry 2. My Best friends Dad(passed away before we met) 3. Mitch Rompala 4. Rob 5. The King