Would it be possible to make Flu Flu arrows using the tail or wing feathers from a Cock Pheasant ? , We don't have Wild Turkeys in the UK you see . So what do you think or there another option !!!
Dave. You could try unbleached Goose featers, they have built in waterproofing with natural oil, but bleaching them takes all the oil out. Never heard of Pheasant feathers being used but thats not saying they wont work. Try some and see how they fly.
I've been wanting to try and make up some Flu Flu with the pheasant feathers. I'm sure the spiral flu flu would look awesome! Russ, why do you need to bleach them, wouldn't that dry them out??
I'll try anything once , i will have a try . Never thought of the Goose feathers , will also see what i can do with them . What do you bleach them with Russ , never tried this before .
HAHAHA , i thought Russ meant colour them using bleach . So what does the Bleaching do to the Feather ? .
I've made arrows using goose feathers. They worked extremely well and I feel they were as or more durable than turkey feathers. The only drawback was they are black and you lose sight of the arrow after a short distance. The arrows I made didn't outlast the feathers though, they were lost or broken.