Well I strolled into 7-11 to buy some coffee this afternoon and noticed a Peterson's Bowhunting Magazine on the shelf. I picked it up, glanced it over and decided to buy it. I hadn't purchased a hunting magazine since last fall so I was excited just to glance over some of the new products and maybe pick up a useful tip or two. So after the guy at the counter scanned my coffee and magazine, he said, "$15 please". I started laughing and said, "are you serious?'. He said the magazine was $12.99! Ridiculous! Who in their right mind would pay $12.99 for a freaking magazine?
fast,,the guy at the counter scanned it and said it was $12.99 and the bar code was also labelled $12.99.
Must have been some type of oversized special issue or something? I think I have bought that mag for like $3.99?
Bad barcode. Check it out at another location. I think its something like $1.99 or 2.99 at most. 2.99 and 12.99 are just one numeral off.
i have bought mine for 4.99 in a local grocery store, if it goes up that much they will lose a subscriber haha
Let me if you'd like a subscription, i get the 9.99 offers in the mail a good bit. I can send one your way if you'd like.
They are not that expensive, I've been a subscriber for years..like some said the whole year is like 10$
I think maybe you got the Name wrong??????? I was in the store and saw a mag so decided to check the price as I thought it was Petersons Bowhunting. It was $12.95, It also was Sportmans Bowhunting Mag, not Pertersons . Could there be 2 different mags at that price?
Rick, I don't buy a lot of hunting magazines so I might be out of my mind, but the magazine I looked at was either Peterson's Bowhunting or Petersen's Bowhunting. It was a good looking magazine with a ton of stuff on the new gear for the year and what appeared to be some pretty decent articles.
[QUOTEbut the magazine I looked at was either Peterson's Bowhunting or Petersen's Bowhunting.][/QUOTE] So either way it wasn't Sportmans Bowhunting . That means there are at least 2 over priced mags out there
I just pulled one of their card inserts of of my lastest issue and it says the cover price is $4.99. You can get a one year (9 issues) subscription for $12.97 which is $1.45 an issue or you can get a two year (18 issues) subscription for $22.97 which breaks down to $1.28 an issue. I'd say that store has one heck of a mark up...