AS I was looking around tonight, I saw that Diamond might have the bow I am looking for...for my 7 year old. He has outgrown his smaller "cheap" bow. But it seems the next step up in bows for him all have to much draw weight. Then I ran across THIS bow.
That looks like it would work nicely. I saw that bow at the ata show and it really spits out the arrows. Just another thought. Have you looked into the Razor Edge? It can grow right along with your son. He could shoot it for quite a few years before he outgrows the adjustability.
My daughter has a Diamond Edge from 2 years ago and it is great. When we purchased it we tested every youth bow we could find and this one stood out way above all the others. With the new verson of the bow it is even better now. I would definetly check it out!
Have you looked into anything like this HERE My 7 yr old daughter uses it and she is getting pretty good with it. Very simple and easy to learn with. Hardly any coaching at all (which makes it more fun for the kids LOL) and she was hitting the red square (about the size of a piece of paper) on the straw bale after just a few shots which made her all the more excited about it. Recently we took a walk "hunting" for squirrels and she was shooting trees and other large objects from as far as 10-12 yards.
Definiotely look into the Razor Edge!!! Andrew's best friend, (who is battling cancer right now) just got it ...what an AWESOME bow for a young boy!!!! Another option would be a Genesis made by Mathews
He has one somewhat like that now, just the compound style. Its time for him to upgrade now. I'll have to check more into the Razors Edge guys.
I just bought the razor edge for my 13 y.o. It's a fantastic bow that will grow w/him into adulthood. It may be just a bit too much for your son, unless he draw back 30#. It has a weight range from 30-60#, and a 19-29" draw length, and it shoots em out at 310fps w/a 29' dl and set at 60#. I think the nuclear ice would do him nicely, until his teenage yrs. By then, who knows what they'll be coming out with. Can't go wrong w/the Diamond line, especially w/a bow that he can grow with.
i bought a razor for someone and they LOVE it! might have to change the sight (kinda cheap) but the rest is great and quiver is decent...
Hope that she enjoys it and gets some good use out of it. My daughter was 6 when she started shooting her Edge and it is still working great for her. I think that she would have outgrown the Nuclear Ice to quickly.
what is the lowest draw weight you can take the Edge to? I'm not saying he is weak, I just don't want to discourage him thinking he cant draw a bow back because its to heavy. I want to start him low and work his way up.
I have been looking around at that range of bows for awhile and I ran across an add for this bow Mission: Menace Let-off 70% Axle to Axle Length 31 in. Brace Height 7.25 in. Draw Weight 16-52 lbs. Draw Length 17-30 in. Physical Weight 2.92 lbs. Now, from what I understand about this bow, is that as you get older/bigger and your drawlength increases, the poundage of the bow goes up.....could be wrong but it looks like there is some pretty good adjustability with this little bow. Have been seeing MSRP's around $200 bare bow, $300 set up so in line with the diamonds/parkers/etc...... linky to da bow And if your heart is set on it, it does come in pink
ah, my bad, saw someone talking about a pink bow but didnt look to see if it was the OP My apologies...... I am trying to remember the name of the of bow, but I am pretty sure there is one out there that will upgrade the limbs as the shooters strength goes up, for a nominal cost of course, but still cheaper than buying a new bow for that slightly heavier bow.
I believe the parker bow has the upgrade limb deal for $50.00. We are starting the process of picking out a hunting bow for my son. Going to look at the Razor Edge, it looks like a good bow, he still needs to shoot one.
Yea Parker has the grow up with Parker program. But from what I can tell, none of their bows go below 20 lbs. I have had good experience with Parker and I check them out first.
The Razor Edge comes in two different poundage versions: a 60-lb. model that is adjustable all the way down to 30, and a 29-lb. model adjustable down to 15. Draw length adjusts from 19" - 29" on either model.
Alright, seriously going tomorrow and looking into the boys new bow. We were at the range today, we talked about selling his Browning Micro Midas II, he really out grew it. . I asked him if he wouldn't mind selling it to fund a newer bow for him to hunt with this season, he said sure. My buddy pulls up, we start shooting and Dominic mentions to him he is going to get a new bow. We sell his old bow for a $100 on the spot, a matter of 10 minutes from talking about selling it to actually selling it, done deal! He loves the looks of the Razor Edge bow compared to the Parker. We'll see how they shoot for him. I hoping he shoots the Diamond well, I'm thinking this is a better way to go!