I tried one shop near Kenosha and offered to help for free so I can learn a bit more and still got shot down. Maybe it was the stache? SOB
Don't do that. I'm gonna shave a stache in for next years deer season during my 1 week off hunting trip. And I'm gonna give a shout out on video to all my stache inspirations.. including but not limited to.. Ditka.. Reynolds.. Sellek (may have spelled that wrong).. Fraley.. It will be good.
Where's the ford emblem??? With your truck luck, I think that emblem will pretty much guarantee a buck! ;-)
Can't wait to let 'er shoot heads-up against the Captain at the 3d shoots this year! I drew an AM 32, and it felt really nice... hearing nothing but good things about the lineup this year; congratulations on your new baby. Where ya going hog hunting at?
I'll be headed to Oklahoma the end of February. Gonna be a GOOD TIME!! I can't wait! I would highly suspect there will be pictures-o-plenty when I get back.....And I'm equally as certain they will be posted somewhere....
I think I mentioned this in your earlier thread, mobow, but I was really impressed with the AM 32. Out of the new bows I've shot this year, I would put it right up there with the Admiral and Iceman. Have fun with your new rig! The AM is a pleasure to shoot.
And I tweaked her a little more today. By simply moving the draw stop peg, I gained 8 fps, and it's more comfortable to shoot. So, I'm no longer disappointed with the speed. She's hurling a 390 grain arrow downrange at 310 fps. I'll take that anyday.