I just returned home from the shop where I put the finishing touches on my new AlphaMax, and decided which arrows I will shoot off of her. I messed around with several, and in the end I picked a Carbon Express maxima Hunter, 350 weighing in at 389 grains, flying 302 fps. Repsectable. She's dressed up with a Fuse Posi Lite 2 pc quiver, HHA OL5519 sight, Trophy Ridge Drop Zone, Fuse CX Hunter stabilizer and a G5 meta peep. Add a string loop and that's all I have on the string. I'll say it again, this is one very fine shooting bow. So let me introduce you to my new hog/deer killing machine for '09.
Hey, that almost looks like a Bowtech!! You'll come around one of these days.:d Seriously, sharp looking rig you got there Don. We'll have to get together and see what it'll do on the 3D range. There will be some coming up soon.
That's a sweet rig Mobow!!Im still undecided about getting a AM32 or a Katera its such a tough decision.
All I have to do now is refletch those arrows.....Gonna get an orange wrap and use 2 white and 1 orange razyr feather.....Should be sweet!
Very nice, I am gonna have to check the new Hoyts out, I don't plan on getting a new bow anytime soon but who knows.
Ugly, just like its owner. Atleast it is quiet, UNLIKE its owner. :d Actually, that thing is sharp, shoots well, and it is downright tempting to buy one ASAP.
Very nice. The wraps should be very cool. I have the white/orange combo on my ACCs and it looks sweet.
Slower, but smoother and quieter with less hand shock and recoil. It is also lighter. Longer brace height as well.
Are you going to go straight orange wrap, or orange tiger wrap...I think it would look wicked with the tiger wrap and the rayzrs. That setup looks awesome!
I was planning on solid orange.....but you're right, the tiger pattern would look good! I'm also going to be installing one of Hoyt's new grips, the 180. That thing is friggin AWESOME! When it comes in, I'll post it up with a little review as well.
Get those arrows looking a little snappier and it'll be ready to spill some blood! What are you gonna use for broadheads Mo?
Well, right now I have quite a few HyperShocks to use up, and I really like those for deer. They're wicked sick......But, I think for hogs I just won't carry the momentum I was with my SuperSlams, so I will probably pick up a few packs of Slick Tricks, or possibly some Montecs. I'll have to see what we have lying around the shop.....Slick Tricks on the hogs most likely.