I have been shooting my bow a lot lately and just recently the peep sight stopped coming in line with my sight. I have a tubeless peep on my string and i have never had a problem before. Do i need and New string? Or a Do i need to go to a peep with a tube again? Any help would be appreciated.
Personally I'd stay away from the tube. My peep creeps some and when it does I'll put a couple of twists on the string and it's back in line. Watch this video
You may need a new string/cable. Depends on how many shots are on your current string and/or what kind of condition your current string is in. If it is in good condition and not that old, it may have just settled/stretched (due to a lot of recent shooting) to where it will be and now you may just need to rotate your string a half of a turn. You will need to press your bow to accomplish that.
My string is about a year old and has some fraying going on, so probably going to look into getting a new one. Anybody have ideas on what strings i should get?
You will get a lot of good references as there are a lot of good strings out there. Just make sure you have a good, competent person replace them for you and get your bow within spec when the new strings are on. I have been using these strings lately and like them. http://marylandwhitetail.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3381444
I wax it pretty much after every time i shoot it, it was a vapor trail but im thinking it isn't the best because my brother has to replace his too!
Isaac, throughout it's life, sometimes a string will strecth ever so slightly and this can cause your peep to turn. Also, it's very possible for your d-loop to spin on the string and not be aligned with the peep which also causes twist. Even when you get a brand new string, it will stretch a little bit and you'll have to reset your peep. I've heard of strings that have zero stretch... I've never ever seen one. The first and easiest fix, is this... twist the knot on your loop so that they line up with the peep sight, draw it back and adjust it as necessary to get it lined up. When you do, take a dab of superglue (very small) and just touch it where the loop meets the serving on the string (don't put superglue on the string). This will keep it in place and will turn correctly. My recommendation is to NOT go back to a tubing for several reasons... 1. When that tubing breaks at full draw and snaps you in the eye, you will thank me (I didn't read about this in a pamphlet) 2. Tube peeps are noisier than tubeless peeps. 3. Tubes decrease speed JMO buddy.
The tubing SUCKS. Let me repeat that........TUBING.................SUCKS. G5 makes a neat little gadget that will fix your problem.....I forget the name of them but I'll look it up if you can't find them.....They look like miniature blue dumbells. They install in the string and simply by sliding them up/down your string, it rotates the string and peep. G5 claims that you can add some speed as well, and while that may be the case we haven't noticed that yet. But they do work very well for aligning a peep.
Never had any issues with VT strings so I would suprised if that was it. I would go back to the tubing. Yeah tubing can break but usually that is the result of some cracking or dry rotting which if you inspect your tubing you can stay on top of and eliminate the potential for breaking. Without the tubing your peep has the potential to rotate at any time and I sure dont want mine rotating at that wrong time. JMO