Peak where are you heading to? Take it that means you aren't fishing today? Let me know next time you go, wouldn't mind joining you.
Peakrut- Keep us up to date on how it is going. I can't wait to start shed hunting. I usually start in about 2 more weeks. Still been seeing a lot of bucks with both sides still.
EDIT: Starts for me 1/20/09 Grrrr I went to bed late and woke up late from 3rd shift so I took the boys sledding which was a blast. L Duko I will get a hold of you for a Friday exersion. You got it Gram.
1/22/09 I went out today from 09:00-12:45 and did not find a shed but Yote tracks everywhere. Here are my first pics of my journey from now until December 31st, 2009 as I go from shed hunting to spring scouting through the summer glassing to the fall hunt. Let the year begin: The property from today: Phone call from Ferg 15 minutes later back tracking for this: Found some coon hide: Text from ferg then 40 minutes later back tracking for this: Fraley saying the F word and it was not Fergus:
Yeah, where's the pics??? I went out for a little bit yesterday while Coyote hunting, seen a few big boys still sportin racks!
Added to thread 3 up. Below is some property in the far back that I need to get permission on.(Stupid date, lol) Another angle"
1/30/09 11:00 AM until about 01:30PM out with dukemichaels and found 1 dead doe. The hunting convo with this dude is something special for sure. A lot of old sign around with very small deer beds. Get after it again next week.
That's 'possum fur. Not 'coon fur. Sheesh, city boys. I'm not allowed to pick up sheds where I deer hunt. Maybe I'll just go take pictures of them. Or not. I was a little worried when I scrolled down through your pictures that there'd be a pair of boxers in the snow next.
Dang it possum fur and lol@city. I don't wear anything underneath dear. It was just flipping me off crick for leaving it out in the snow. A winter feast: Biggest rub I have seen in a long time.
Got out this Friday for about 4-5 hours and about 5 miles later at least. First set of woods we hit (Dukemichaels and I) found us with a full racked buck and a half rack. Plus as a bonus buck a fresh dollar bill laying right on the ground. Then after Mike found a fresh rack all of a sudden their it was a piece of antler that had broken off from a fight: Then to close out the day I stumbled upon a deer skull with spine still attached cleaned up real good:
2/14/09 I had taken Frog_Slayer out for 2 hours but no finds this time around. Just hit a local public spot near home.