This is why I could never be a cop. I have a buddy who is a cop that responded to a 911 call where a wife discovered her husband had hung himself in the garage - she was screaming for him to cut him down but by that time, and he did but it was too late.
True. You could drive the truck or ladder and do truck work. lol Where do you work at though? I Know a there are a few other guys on the forum who are in the fire service as well.
One whole side of my family is Illinois State Police. I've heard so many stories. What a tough time to be LEO. Thanks for doing what you do, to all police, fireman, and emergency response personnel....Even though we pay you
This may sound brutal to some who have or had someone close to them struggle with drugs but I often wonder if it would make sense to take the hard drugs like PCP, meth, and heroin from the evidence room and lace it with cyanide and then release it on the streets. I am of the opinion that people are free to do what they wish to their own bodies but hard drugs have been increasingly become an underlying factor in the death of innocent bystanders. Not long ago here in Cincinnati a driver under the influence of heroin rolled his car killing 2 adults and a baby. The crash was so violent, the 2 adults and baby (car seat and all) were thrown from the car. The driver on heroin lived. Makes me sick.
A fellow libertarian... You have the right to do whatever you want.... Just stay away from me and my kids or you will ensure a Mathews wrath