Post up some past GTG photos! I wish I had some to add but I don't have my computer with my photos anymore...
I got a bunch i can post later tonight... Gives a few guys (cough sevenmag cough fergus cough) a chance to bribe my PM box :D
Matt LMAO, Thats something I was proud to witness :D RJ made our day Scott/bucko Ill get a couple up tomorrow
Oh man that gif is hilarious. I remember watching the video last year shortly after the GTG. Sorry RJ, but it couldn't be more funny :D
The original late night crew. 2007 The tent that noone could sleep in because dubbya snored sooooo loud. Anyone recognize this character? There were a few mosquitoes the first year. Germ dreaming of Mr. Mass. Yours truely shooting at the long range target. WKP Todd and Justin doing a sales pitch.
I'm pretty sure I've been at more than one GTG but I only have these pictures. Must be from the very first one as I also have pictures of some really beat up 3d targets that I spent many hours trying to turn back into recognizable animal shapes again. I must have also been at the second one... but I really can't remember much about it. The sploding target worked. There were lots of mosquitos. That's about all I do remember. Beta version GTG. Dunk tank. The fearless leader in his undies. Lining up to take him down. Mr Zarr is the next target. Got him! Me going down. Horseshoe Mazur showing off his 'O' face. Playing with my chronograph when Todd wasn't around. I miss my chrono.
All these pics are making my want to come this year. I think I should probably be able to get off of work in order to make it up there.
MYFINGERS ARE NOT FAT, DAMIT! Lady Forge and friend. "I'm telling you the mass on his main beam, was this big!" Before we were somewhat organized.
here is some more warning issued :D Thats right, the man :D one from the Kentucky camp, but some of the guys you will reconize
Here's some more! Peak Rut & Frog slayer Mech Doc around the Fergus Bonfire Dubbya Yup them thar is Hoyt shooter lookn for you guessed it, their arrows!