today a shot a good buck. it looked like a good double lung hit. it was a complete pass through and my arrow was coated with blood. all i could find was a few drops of blood and it stopped at about 40yds. headed back out to look in the morning. what do you guys think?
was the shot high in the lungs? if so it may take the body cavity time to "fill up" with blood, the blood you found is likely from flesh wounds. if you double lunged him, he didn't go far. sleep well, you'll find him in the morning.
Sometimes a high lung shot will not bleed much on the outside. I didn't find one drop of blood from the bull I shot this season. It was a high lung pass shot and he only made it about 60 yards. Good luck I hope you find him.
i found him this morning after a restless night! he made it at least a quarter mile across a creek and up a very steep incline on a double lung pass through shot! and no good blood except where he piled up! just goes to show you every situation is different!
I just have to add, we are very glad you found that beautiful animal, would sure look good next to my bear!
Definitely HIGH LUNG hit looking at that hole in this pic, CONGRATS on a fine buck, way to stick with it.
Good job, and great buck. I made a high lung shot on a big doe this weekend and blood was everywhere at the arrow, but only found about 10 drops of blood. We found her about 70 yards away. Each shot results in a different blood trail, but a well placed arrow usually brings them down quickly, just make sure and mark where you last see them. Once again, great buck
Great buck. Good recovery. Looking at the hit, it may be possible that it was a one-lung shot. I had a shot like that and was surprised at how far the deer went. About 200 yards.
Nice job. Being persistent pays off. Like these guys were saying, sometimes you don't have much sigh on a high hit. Confidence in your shot and not giving up.......that's what it's all about. Congrats!!!!!