New to the site, but wanted some feedback. I am new to bow hunting (coming into 2nd season) I was given a High Country Silent Hunter. I just purchased my first bow and bought the Parker Wildfire XP, was just wondering if anyone had this bow and what their opinion was of it. I love it so far but have just shot at a block target at 20 yards. Thanks
i love my parker i have a spitfire, and i really have no complaints about it. only thing i dont like about them tho is with mine i had to add some additional silencers to mine, and a stabilizer. but other than that i really like mine. congrates on parker purchase im sure you wont be dissapointed
So far its sweet. I had a High Country Silent Hunter so this Parker is a nice upgrade. The High Country's IBO was about 10 FPS so I need a new block target as the Parker is giving me complete pass thru's and hitting my fence.
haha thats a good sign, do you know the FPS for your wildfire? it be nice to compare the two bows, i know mine will do about 305 IBO.
The specs sheet on the Wildfire says 302, I have a wisker bisq. which people say takes about 2 FPS off. So I should be looking right at 300 or 301.
I shoot a Parker as well. Currently have the Wildfire model (my first bow)but I plan to upgrade in the future, maybe after this coming season. So far the bow has felt very comfortable and have no complaints. Customer service at Parker is hard to beat from my experience. Last season I released an arrow but I didnt notice how close my cam was to my treestand and the cam ended up with a big dent in it. I contacted Parker explaining the situation and I told them that what had happened was completely my fault and they ended up replacing my cam for just the cost of shipping of my bow to their factory.
I got my Parker Trailblazer XT when Gander Mountain broke the limb off of my "ancient" Bear Whitetail bow that my father had given to me. ( they accidentally broke the limb with the bow press when they put a new string on it) I have had tremendous success with it and the customer service is great. Parker offers limb exchange and a grow with your bow program so I bought Parker bows for each of my sons and parker will let them exchange the limbs as they get older and outgrow the jr. models, its great. I love to bow hunt and I practice incessantly and my Parker bow has never given me any problems, it's light, fast as lightning, durable and it puts a lot of food on my table. I was skeptical when Gander Mountain wanted to give me a Parker bow for my fathers bow but now I am a huge Parker fan. Accidents happen and none of us are perfect but when we keep an open mind and stay positive only good can come of it.
i just purchased the parker wildfire xp a few weeks ago....i had been shooting an old jennings and wanted something new but wouldnt break my bank...after about 500 bucks i had all new equipment on it and i can say im VERY happy with it so far...the next test is coming up in september....bow season!!!
I purchased a Parker Hunter mag about 7 years or so ago. It has been a very good bow for me and I plan on keeping it for quite a while longer. For the money I spent on the whole package I couldn't have even bought a big name bow on its own.
I test fired a few, they didn't fit me well either, but that doesn't mean they are bad bows, if they fit you they are likely as good as any other brand out there... as with any manufacturer these days, if it fits you that is likely 95% of the battle of finding a bow...
I went college with a guy who absolutely lived by parker bows there is nothing you could do to change his mind. He loved his ever year that he uses it. The same went for his buddy that he hunted with back home he was just as much of a fanatic as he was.
Hello to all, first post here. I'm a Parker fanatic as well. Have the 09 Trailblazer (which I love) and just got a 2010 Parker Inferno which is making a very good impression on me so far. I love their feel and the way they draw.