I thought it was supposed to get it's national release on Oct 16th? But anyways, my curious side really wants to see it, but I also know that it will completely freak me out. I really don't like ghost/demon movies, and this is supposed to be one of the best. I'm sure I'll see this week sometime, even though I already know all 3 endings.
I have a buddy of mine that is all into that stuff. Keeps trying to get me to come with but really have no interest.
Its just like a "Blair Witch Project" for the new batch of kids, though there not toting it as real. Ill see it sometime im sure, but it wont affect me as much as BWP did.
From everything I've heard/read, it's much, much better than BWP. BWP was horrible. Never understood the hype for it.
I loved it. I didnt know much about the movie when i first saw it ( i was like 10)...totally thought it was real. Great concept for a movie, cuz it didnt feel like a movie.
Saw it with my wife this weekend. I would give it a 3 out of 10. Don't waste your money. Maybe 10 total minutes of halfway scary stuff in the whole movie.
That might be the first bad review I've seen about this movie. I would need to know what movies you enjoy, before I take your reviews seriously.
Let's just say as far as scare factor goes... It sucked. If I had to compare it to other movies, I would say Blair Witch Project (which was far from scary to me), and I usually like psycho type movies. I just do not want to pay 10 bucks for 10 minutes of suspense/scare factor. I would say if you wanna be scared, wait till Nov for 2012 to be released. jmho
LOL, ok And I've heard that it wasn't so much scary, but just left you with an uneasy/creepy feeling afterwards. But then again, all my friends could just be pusses.
Well, I thought it was good...It was well worth my 10 bucks!! I was jumping like a little school girl!! SCARY is all I have to say.
Yeah, Zombieland was quite entertaining. I was disappointed in the ending though. I felt like it was somewhat anti-climatic, but I still enjoyed it.
My cousin watched it last night and said it was alright. I too am interested in seeing it, but haven't been yet. Will probably try to get to it this weekend.
What i find so hard to believe is that the director of BS has never done anything else, until now....