Anyone do It? I've done It many times to my recurve and have had some pretty awesome looking camo designs. I've tried a bunch of different camo patterns using leaves and such. The limb wraps I put on from one stringer aren't holding up to well. Russ sent me up some fabric to put under my limbs where they bolt on to the riser. While doing that I noticed the wraps were coming loose In the corners a little bit, pissed me right off so off they came. I figure If I would of left them they would of been coming off worse about the time bear hunting rolled around. I don't want to be messing around with stuff then, I like my stuff ready to go (not half ass). So, any Idea's on what I should paint for patterns on the brown fiber glass limbs? I might let you guys all decide this, maybe!! Also, what paint would you all use? On a side note Russ, when I peeled off the limb wraps, a bunch of the varnish came off with the wraps. Should I strip the little varnish that's left on the fiberglass and re varnish It or should I just sand down the bumps where It's still on and paint over It? Either way I'm painting up the fiberglass, I hate looking at that brown glass!!
Steve. If you feel like sanding all the finish off go ahead if not just smooth out the bumps and paint over it. Just make sure either way that the surface to be painted is roughed up some so the paint will stick to it.
Why not have it dipped? I had my Bob Lee dipped over a year ago and it really holds up well. The new Preditor patterns that they are using now are very nice. We're thinking about getting my sons hunting bow done with that pattern. I'm surely not against painting it though. Remember that it is your bow and if you're feeling like painting it then go right ahead.
Whats all Involved In the dipping Bob? I take It I'd have to send It off to get done? Bear hunting Is a little over 3 weeks away, I really would like my bow here to do some practicing with.
Yea, I'd say you're better off keeping it and practicing with it. It would take about a week and a half to get it back. What about something like this? I've used them before and they're OK.
Jeff, It's the brown fiberglass that I can't stand looking at. I could care less about the scratching part, I just want It looking somewhat camoed up. Bob, thanks for the Info.