Packing in lwcg .5 and 1.0

Discussion in 'Bowhunting Talk' started by Njjb122, Oct 13, 2021.

  1. Njjb122

    Njjb122 Newb

    Aug 31, 2021
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    I recently picked up both these stands a set of beast sticks and the lwcg wolfpack...I really like the set up I use gear ties to attach the 4 beast sticks under the seat then I attach the pack on the seat like intended no matter what I try the stand leans off my back and digs right into my lower back I even tried picking up eberlestocks shoulder harness and modified it to the stand to hopefully keep it tighter to the top of my back and shoulders but that didnt work either pretty sure its the way the pack is sitting but I dont see a way to fix it. Im curious other peoples experience...I might go back to feeding the backpacks straps through the stand and using it that way again

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