So who's psyched? Just want all my brothers to enjoy the beautiful day we are going to have tomorrow, hopefully some of you will get to enjoy it in the spring gobbler woods. I'll be sitting in a blind with my father for our annual birthday (for him) opening day turkey hunt, and it's supposed to be sunny and with a high of 80 degrees in the afternoon. I absolutely can't wait. Not sure what I'll carry afield, probably doesn't matter much because tomorrow is going to be about putting him on one........I most likely won't be a shooter unless one sneaks in or we get a double. Best of luck to all of you tomorrow!!
Got two of my best friends coming in tonight for the opener tomorrow. I will be weaponless with the exception of a camera and a few calls. For one of the guys, it's his first time. Should be a ton of fun. After the hunt, I am taking some friends out for a boat ride on the river and to wet an early bass line or two. Rode the bike to work today and looking forward to a nice ride home. Stay safe guys and good luck.
Tomorrow's my opener :d. Missouri opened the 20th, but tomorrow and Sunday will be my first time out this year. Good luck everyone, and be safe!
I'll be taking the bow tomorow.It's a long shot to score in PA at all.But I really want one with the bow and I cant do that unless I try.Good luck everyone.
What a morning! Called in a NICE gobbler around 7:00am. Came in with two or three hens (only could see two) over the crest of our food plot. He came in double gobbling, spitting and drumming all fanned out. One of the hens tired of this and came in, walked past me at about 10yds (I'm on the blind...ASAT WORKS), never saw me. Well a couple of soft yelps got him fired up, but he was NOT coming in with that other hen occupying him). I shut up to watch the show and see what would happen. He circled her fanned out for about 15 minutes, then she ran back towards where the other hen came in. Again, she walked past me...never saw me. Here's the kicker. He didn't follow them in (which is why I thought there might have been a third hen I couldn't see). Well he was spitting and gobbling, doing circles again all fanned out. I would give a few soft yelps every now and then, but he wasn't coming (I didn't have time to by my decoy out, so I knew this was hurting me). FINALLY (this went on for about 30 minutes), he came in, but circled around to my left! He came in fast, once he was behind a tree, I quickly shifted myself into position (I shot lefty, so this was quite a shift). He came out about 20yds, I put the bead on his head, pulled the trigger AND.....NOTHING. WHAT THE HECK? Pulled the trigger again...NOTHING. No click, just a dead empty trigger. By now, I have him right there just spitting and drumming, but my gun wouldn't fire? I litterally wanted to take my gun and throw it at him. I knew I wasn't going to get the gun to shoot, so I knew I had to at least not let him know I was there. Luckily I was able to do that and he eventually just walked off satisfied that he couldn't find his "hen." Not before give me a couple more shock gobbles and more spitting and drumming (so cool to watch up close). I ran home, switched guns, and tried circling around to head him off. I ended up getting him and another one to respond a bit, but no luck. Needless to say, I'm a bit upset at the outcome, but what can you do? Upon further examination, it looks like the sear isn't working right on the gun. It was working fine for me before, so I'm not sure what happened to it. I will have to take it to a gunsmith, but for now I will use the backup gun.
Matt that's some bad luck.. Get back at 'em next time. You did the hard part with getting on him, good luck!
Matt, that sticks. Got your txt. I am having a marathon day. We had a long range show this morning. We where in the wrong field. Fun either way. Just got off the river from a boat ride and headed a cookout. Nice story bud.
Post the footage, post the footage, post the footage! Lol, I want to see Mike. Ben can post a story if he wants too. Not much really happened, I just laughed at the footage.
Post the footage, post the footage, post the footage! Lol, I want to see Mike. Ben can post a story if he wants too. Not much really happened, I just laughed at the footage.