Wow, this has been a crazy few days. First, a call was made to 911 in Pittsburg for a domestic dispute. A lady called in and informed the dispatcher about her son and that he had weapons. The police got the call and are now saying that the dispatcher told them the man had no weapons. Well, he had a AK47 along with some other weapons and three police officers are dead and several others injured. The police were finally able to arrest the man (in his early 20's) and he was kicked out of boot camp, and had a big grudge that President Obama was going to take his guns away. Fast forward to this morning, two masked men walked into a house just 1.5 miles from the previous incident and shot a man in the leg while trying to rob the place. Not sure exactly what went on, but the responding police and S.W.A.T. teams were called away from a memorial for their fallen brothers when they got the call. This evening I heard rumors (not sure, havn't heard anything for awhile) that a man in Altoona was driving around shooting a people including kids at a baseball field. I didn't see anything on the news about this, just had somebody call and tell me about it. What is wrong with people today? The past week it seems that people have just snapped. What drives people to do these things? It is disgusting, if you are truly that screwed up in the head, don't take an innocent persons life, take your own. I just don't get it.
Yea its been a pretty rough few days here in Pittsburgh. I cannot imagine how horrible the 911 operator who failed to pass on the vital information feels. She will likely be scarred for life, I don't know how you could get over something like that. Besides the terrible loss of the officers and devastation to thier friends, families & co-workers, I cringe at the anti-gun respone that will certainly result from these actions.
Altoona...that is where my budy lives. I may have to give him a call!! People are just stupid...that is all I can come up with anymore.