I live in Delaware, but hunt Maryland the out of state fees are high. Opening day is Sept. 15th thru Jan. 31st.
I'm not a fan of crossbows for fear of what MIGHT happen (people entering the woods with no prep, treating the thing as if it truly is a firearm with a similar effective range, etc). Of course, I'm sure these were the concerns of many of the gun hunters when bowhunting came into play in the state way back when. I've always said hunters need to ban together regardless of weapons or seasons. I will keep an open mind about this. Strength in numbers.
Well to answer the question..you will still only be allowed 1 buck in the State per license year regardless of weapon used. So no I don't expect a huge surge in Bucks taken overall. But the solitude of the fall woods to the archer will not be the same.. As time goes by in 3-4 years it will level off. Many Vertical Bow shooters will opt for crossbows...many crossbow users will find it's not as easy as all that!
Overall harvests won't increase, but like stated, what little solitude left in the archery woods will likely be gone. AND we already get touted for "killing all the big bucks before the gunners", imagine now with more people in the woods with an easier weapon, it would not surprise me they would shorten our season.