I am a firmer believer in Ozone killing scent. My routine before a hunt is to throw my gear and clothes into my jeep and run it for at least an hour, longer if I can. I will shower if going out for an afternoon hunt, but not a morning hunt, because I do not want to wake the wife and kids that early. That works well enough for me, and the times I have been busted has gone down drastically since I started doing this. Having hunted with @LittleChief a few times, I trust his opinion if he says it works. But, I am not in a position where I want to drop the money on an Ozonics unit.
What you said there is the one thing I don’t like about it. Well, that and it being one more piece of gear to tote. They aren’t “loud”, but they do make just enough sound to be distracting when it is very quiet in the stand. When I first started using it two seasons ago I would set it up right over my head with the intake side down. It made enough noise to keep me from hearing small sounds. The first year I had a great buck approaching in Arkansas. It came from behind me and was under me before I knew it was there. A buddy that was hunting 80 yards away saw the buck heading my way and heard him walking and grunting. I heard nothing. I can’t say it cost me that buck but it did cost me a chance at him. After that I learned to put it higher up and mount it with the intake side facing up so the sound is much more quiet. One other thing I’ve learned about using the Ozonics: Pay close attention to what the thermals are doing. If the thermals are carrying your scent up turn the Ozonics off. Ozone is heavier than air and will drop to the ground even if the thermals are working in your favor. While Ozone doesn’t scare the deer it does make them wonder why they just stepped into a spot where they can’t smell anything. When thermals are working for you the Ozonics will sort of work against you.
I asked earlier if it is still consider fair chase. I have no opinion either way. I know some guys think cell cameras or trail cameras are unethical. Then you can get into is a compound ethical, a release aid, etc.. In other words, is using a machine to kill your scent an ethical part in hunting? Again, I have no opinion on it yet.
Not really ethics. I can see were it would be useful. Like a small property that your try to constantly shoot deer off. Or maybe going into a new area you have never been on and aren't familiar with the terrain and wind wind currents. Every thing has its place and time. Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I guess I missed the part in your post that asked “is it fair”. I have real trouble equating “fair” and “ethical” when it comes to deer hunting. If you’re asking if it’s fair for the deer, well, obviously no, but then again neither are bows, guns, rangefinders, binoculars, camouflage, trail cameras, etc. As to it being ethical I just have to laugh. Why do people always try to bring ethics into hunting? In a nutshell, being ethical is “doing what is morally right and good”. As long as a hunter isn’t breaking any laws that should be good enough. Just because I might use a legal method that someone else doesn’t care for doesn’t make me an unethical hunter nor does it make the method unethical.
I agree. I get hammered sometimes because come mid november I partake in a southern traditon until January, hunting with buckshot and hounds... it's legal, yet I get hammered by some
In most cases like this, ethics are purely personal. There are people out there who think hunting at all is unethical. Some think hunting high fence is unethical. Some think hunting over bait is unethical. The list could go on and on, and in every instance the “ethics” are purely personal. In my opinion, the bottom line is this: If it’s not a violation of hunting regulations then it’s legal and therefore isn’t unethical. If someone feel it’s unethical then that’s personal and it’s their problem, not mine.
I think it just boils down to that. Personal preference. I don't think hunting out of a box blind over a food plot is unthethical, I just don't personally see the excitement. Then again the way I hunt with hounds isn't unethical because it's legal but there are many who personally find it atrocious and unethical.. and you are right we could go on and on and that's why I said it was a rabbit hole. I guess it's part of hunting technology in which man has done for thousands of years.
This is pretty much how I use ozone. I will admit that I don't treat all of my gear with ozone because of the way it destroys elastic and rubber.
Ive learned that the units that come with most bags and closets are too powerful. I know guys who hang their clothes outside and just point an ozone generator toward their gear. This dilutes it i guess you could say. Still does the job but doesnt destroy the gear. I still have a scent crusher bag. I find best results is to not over fill the bag for one, and secondly i never go over 10 min on the setting. Usually 5 min is enough
One more thing for this klutz to fumble with. It's great that they have actual things that work to help guys enjoy their passion , like good calls ,sprays,decoys etc, etc. This said, I consider hunting a game of skill and luck. I sort of enjoy complaining how difficult a time I have. It makes the joy of any success that much sweeter. For me there is a line to too much help.
I've gone back & forth on whether I should get one. Good friends, like many of you, swear by it. I suppose I should save up & get one. Seems like kind of a pain to lug one more thing up the tree...but then I hate it when does start blowing me. Thanks for all the personal testimonies.
I use it every morning in my bathroom. My morning ritual can stink to high heaven so the ozonics clears it right up so the wife can use it after I destroy it.
I am constantly trying to mod my equipment and find ways to lighten my load/shorten my setup time. I've been intrigued by the idea, but never have even priced one, because I do not want more gear to lug in. Also, anything that requires a battery, or charge is another thing I do not want to have in my pack.
ok. I am a bit surprised by that. they are so funny about things, no light or your sight, let %, I don't believe you can register an animal killed over bait??