I know several here use Ozonics machine for gear but has anyone used one on their self? I mean like standing naked in an enclosed area ? Reason being is I don't have a water source at my cabin and have to go to a neighbors to shower, (which is no problem) but on a spur of the moment hunt, I'd like to know if it works (would work). I've heard it can shrink thing like elastic but if it shrinks anymore..., Said that's cuzI figgered it was inevitable
Man I would not do that. If you do a little research into what ozone can do to your lungs, it’s pretty awful. Can do some irreversible damage if you breathe too much of that in at high concentrations. Maybe instead just get yourself a pack of scent free body wipes and take a waterless shower with those and call it good. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You would be better suited getting your clothes the best you can man. Bird bath the sweet spots In Venatione Veritas
Oh trust me Fix, I'm as anal as anyone you've ever heard of. Everything I bring into the woods other then my phone are hanging outside. I have no problem hunting without getting "pegged" Just looking for alternative method without having to shower several times aday.
I use their body wipes too. Makes a few days with no water very tolerable. I did see scentcrusher has a “mobile suit” like a set of ozone coveralls that run on your 12v power in car/truck
@bucksnbears Dave- ya ever thought about getting a propane hot water heater. For a couple hundred bucks you could have a hot shower.. and hot water too wash dishes with. I built a setup several years ago at one of our remote lease properties that had a no running water. I used the following : 55 gallon plastic barrel setup on a 40 inch 2x4 base that caught water off the gutters. I used screen wire to keep out litter best I could Used a live-well pump in the bottom of the barrel that ran on two 6 volt batteries that I wired to support 12 volt. Installed a short section of hose to it live well output and ran it out the top of the barrel with a quick connect fitting to attach to the water heater unit. Used a unit like this. Hot water in a matter of a minute or so.... Just hook up the batteries and turn on the hot water heater... Propane water heater
Never thought of that BHH. Thanks for that! What about in freezing temps, do you have to drain it when away?
We used foil backed pink insulation around the barrel and wrapped black plastic around it when freezing weather hit, and yes we would empty it at the end of hunting season. Also helps to have it on the south side of the building to catch all the sun it can...
Remember that the water heater puts off fumes and make sure and have it in area with good ventilation if used inside. I nour case I had an outside shower stall that worked great. Just a cold race to get back in the warnth...
I use one in my SUV, usually over night prior to hunting the next day, "Scent Slammer" ($25), a cig. lighter plug in. ... I can somewhat smell it when I get in and open a window to air the SUV out, it kinda bothers my throat/sinus's otherwise .. they do work to remove odors and have been use in stronger concentrations in vehicles for a while now .. I'm not dropping the big bucks(lol) on one of the bigger generators that is used when hunting, I think they would be useless in anything stronger than a light breeze/calm winds .. I would never attempt to use one on myself as they can be harmful
whoa whoa whoa...hang on here. All these don't do that folks, what kind of bow or vehicle do you have. I'm fine if you decide to do it, but let's talk first about adding me to your will possibly. LOL
Input TyM? There are countless people that sit in an enclosed blind with one. Never heard of a bad thing happening to them? I'm trying to learn about the subject.
supposedly those sold for hunting are of lower Ozone concentrations ... but https://www.epa.gov/indoor-air-quality-iaq/ozone-generators-are-sold-air-cleaners