How often to you sit in a single stand before you consider you have overhunted it? If you hunt a stand without getting busted, would you return to that stand over and over? I ask these questions because even though I haven't been busted in a stand, I tend to move around to avoid the "pressure". I believe just because I haven't been busted, there are times that I have seen the deer acting a little more uneasy when passing one stand or another, and therefore "sense" something. I take extreme scent control measures and have had deer directly down wind from me without alerting. So as far as hunting the wind, the only concern I have when choosing a stand is I rarely see deer travelling with the wind so I don't use stands that the deer would have to approach with the wind. Thanks.
I try to hunt the same stand no more than 3 times in a row. I beleive youll be putting more preasure on the deer by jumping stand to stand on a daily basis.
i'm probly an idiot, but unless i get busted in a stand i will continue to hunt it. unless the wind is completely wrong, i have hunted the same stand for days straight. normally i hunt til 10-11 in the morning, go in eat, shower again if i got sweaty, then head back out for the last 2-4 hours of hunting. i may be stupid but i go where i think i'll see deer or where i've been seeing deer. i have 169 acres, i have 4 portable stands, that i leave up for the bow and gun season, sometimes for years in one spot. my brother has 3 portable and 1 climber. also have 2 double stands, 1 ladder stand, and 2 permanent stands. with all these options, i've hunted 2 stands this year and seen a fair amount of deer. i missed a 4-6 pointer 2 weeks ago because i just missed or i hit a few little branches between myself and the deer. either way shot over him and missed clean, glad i did or i never would have got the 11 pointer on nov. 1. just my 2 cents, i think if you control scent, and have decent entrance and exit paths, you can hunt the same location over and over.
If a spots "hot" I may sit twice in a row (evening + next morning or vice versa). I believe that it's not so much being "busted" but the accumulation of scent from entry-exit and generally just being on stand. I will then give that particular stand a week or so to cool down. I've pushed that limit in the past and seen dramatic fall-off on the third sit. This fall-off can remain far longer than a "cool-off" period.
My thoughts as well!! That's why I'm sitting here on the damn computer this morning , letting stuff cool off this morning so I can possibly hunt my hot spot "again" today and this evening. This Is why a person needs more land to hunt, It keeps you out of your hot spots all the time.
Steve, being out of my "hot spot" is what brought me to the area I shot my Buck. I had to do something different.
I'm pretty mobile, I may come back and hunt a stand after a few weeks, or if its hot now and we just had a good rain I'll give it a go. Its raining right now, the spot I had a real nice 8 come in on me yesterday is good to go again.... too bad I gotta work tonight.... I'll be in that tree all day tomorrow!
I think using proper scent control,wear gloves, rubber boots and playing the wind a spot can be useful many times. I also think a spot stays good if you don't have to walk through lots of brush or anything that comes in contact with your clothes. I hunted a stand 5-6 times this year and took both a doe and buck that had zero idea I was there.
Depends on the stand. I live in a very populated State. Some properties I hunt, intrusion means NOTHING. Others, not the case. Either way, if there is a hot doe, and, bucks are going crazy in teh area of a given stand- I'll keep hunting it and hunting it, until, things calm down.
Fortunately, my nearest two stands are 1/4 mile apart and some of my stands are over a mile apart. Of the two stands 1/4 mile apart, I have reserved the choice stand and no one uses it, or goes near it, except my son. I so want him to drop one of the bruisers that hang around that area. I'll be just as happy if he drops a doe as it'll be his first bow kill.
I try to give each at least 5 days rest, but like many have said, if there's an opportunity potentially presenting itself, I will go for it. I agree with Jeff, though, even if you're not visually busting deer, you can still very easily be alerting other deer to your presence. Ironically, the stand I shot my buck in this season was the one I was in the most, and I continued to see the same deer with every sit. I have a very good entry an exit for that stand, however.
I don't have a lot of stands that I can hunt weekday evenings. I do have two stands that I can get in and out of effectively and due to the terrain, unless the wind is out of the North, I stand a very good chance of not getting winded. I would like to be able to rotate more, it's just not in the cards. If I was more mobile on this 60 acre piece I would do more harm than good.
for me it depends on how many deer im seeing.Jaypope filmed me take a doe 1 evening the next morning i filmed him miss a doe from the same stand. that evening a guest took anotherdoe from the same stand.I have sat in this stand probablly to many times this year but its rare that i dont see deer