Looking to start applying around the US for whitetail tags for the 2014 season and beyond. I would like to hear information on when (deadlines) and how to put in applications for different states (N and S Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri and Minnesota). I would also be interested in hearing about tags for pronghorn, mule and elk around the US. Thanks in advance for your help!
Illinois is kinda expensive but you can just buy them over the counter for archery. So just set aside some time when you arrive and pick them up. Last I knew it was like 20 or 30 for doe tags and over 400 for buck. You'll need hunting license too, think its around 15. Also can be bought otc.
Elk cows/spike tags are OTC for archery. Most everything else is by drawing. You can sign up for email alerts (about drawings and other stuff) from the Utah DWR.