Looking to book an out of state elk hunt for 2017, just wondering what are the "easiest" states to draw a tag in? Thanks Mike
CO has OTC hunts. UT has some OTC hunts but limited on options. UT has some decent units that can be drawn with 5-6 points, but unless you already have some racked up, you would not have a good chance by 2017. As a NR, you might have a decent shot at NM in some units.
I'd suggest CO, WY, MT, or ID for 2017. I'm only familiar personally with CO and know there are many units that are OTC with ample public lands. Others typically suggest the other 3 because CO can be so crowded and herds pressured. I'd like to try WY or MT sometime for the experience...
Washington is OTC... just have to decide east side or west side East side is more open and mostly spot and stalk... West side is dense forest and bigger Elk... but less of them
Would you recommend public or private? Obviously private will be better, but I would probably pay for it. . . . . Butttttt, if somebody drew an Iowa Non Resident buck tag, I could probably put them on a 140 pretty easy. A home and home hunt series lol.
Plenty of public out west. Depends if you are planning 1 trip and not necessarily planning on coming back every year. If you really want a better chance then private will be better chance, but no guarantee. If you plan on making several trips then go public. Think of it this way. You could eat tag and spend $600 for tag or spend $3-5,000. Depends on your financial level really. Not wrong either way.