This past weekend was the "opening weekend" of turkey season since it actually opened on a Monday this year. I have a place in SW Oklahoma that has an absolute ton of birds and on top of that, Okbowhunter (Will) invited me an another friend to hunt with them. I arrived Friday night after an early escape from work my buddy and I drove around and checked out few places. I found a nice bird strutting with about 20 hens in a wheat field about 20 yards from where it dropped off into the flood plane. I took my shotgun dropped down into the river bottom and popped up where the birds were. It was very apparent at that point that I should have taken my bow, they were 25 yards and had no idea I was there. Anyway, I shouldered the Benelli, pulled the trigger and all the birds flew over me... except him of course. Here he is. Saturday morning we met up with Will and headed to one of his places. We set up two ground blinds side by side on the edge of a wood line on a field that has been prepped for corn. We were about 150 yards from where the birds were gobbling. They flew down and after lots and lots of pleading, the biggest bird strutted over to check out our deeks. Will was the first shooter and the bird was at 17 yards, will was at full draw waiting for the bird to enter his shooting window. Unfortunately where we had to set up, the sun was shining into the blind and we think the bird could see Will's hand and riser while he was at full draw. 2 steps before he would have gotten shishkabobbed the bird ran off to join the 6 other toms that were strutting about 100 yards out. Very close but not close enough. We watched about 50 birds feed off the field and out of sight. This is Will. :D We moved to a different location and tried to stalk some birds down into a river bottom but they were aware of our presesnce. We then heard a couple of birds gobble and decided to Run 'N Gun or Run 'N Bow rather. We got set up and Will said he could see the birds at about 80 yards headed our direction. Will had to move behind me because he didn't have a shot. The birds came (3 of them total) all nice toms and came into about 22 yards but neither of us could get drawn. They weren't spooked and turned to have an easier path to their hen. My buddy shot a little sooner than he probably should have and hit his cam on his leg shooting low. The birds took walked off and we never got the job finished. We came back that evening and it was so windy that the blind wouldn't hardly stand up. We called it quits early on and left unsuccessful in killing a bird, but had a great time. I just want to say thanks to Will for having us down as it was a great time!
Yes sir! I'm going to have to re-arrange though... I still have to leave room for that 160" this year. :D Actually, I think this one will become the new tail feather for my B-Mobile and the next archery killed bird will go on the wall.
I still think the turtle-shell move would have worked :d It was a pleasure having you and Trey down, Dustin. You guys are welcome back for more hunting anytime. Like we said all along, you can really tell the difference between a bow and gun. If we all had shotguns we would have easily tagged out. My favorite part was watching Trey chase his blind across the field as it was getting blown away.
Sounds like a good weekend guys. I was just up the road from yall in Elk City trying like heck to get my brother in law his first bird, we called a nice tom up but when he got close the bro in law coulnt take it anymore and had to move around and get the jitters, BUSTED. It happened again that evening but it was a tom and hen coming in and the hen busted us. I think next time we will have to use the blind for his sake.
Congrats on the bird Dubbya! Will, should have just taken the shotgun Just kidding of course, good luck bud
Lol, that was pretty good... I thought our Double Bull was going to get KO'ed by the runaway eastman blind thingy :D Oh and at least my turkey skills were better than the hog skills... or lack there of. Maybe it was the fact that the only boots I had were some Ostrich skins... Ya think? 1. Trev 2. Kyle 3. Will 4. Dubbs :D Will, should we bring Trey just to use his eyes?
He doesn't need to come along. He can probably see them from his house! That man has eyes like a hawk X 10