Do you have the date and stand picked out yet? I dont have the date but I do have a small little island on some public picked out. The last time I was there I was in water over my boots to get to this stand. Right Duke? Wind has to be correct also.
October 1st I'll hunt the "Rub Stop". A stand that has 8 trails all coming into a community rub. I'll hit it right after work and be in stand at 5PM. If I get a Wisconsin tag I could be near you in September Mr. Fraley.
It depends on the wind. If it's from the south, I'll hunt an inside corner of a bean field behind my parent's house. If it's from the north, I'll hunt a destination feeding bean field on the riverbottom. If it's from the west or east, I'm staying home. COME ON SEPTEMBER 15 !!
My opener here in Tx is Sept 27th. I haven't hung stands yet but I do have a good idea about where they are going and I have a really good idea about where I'll be opening morning. The new place I'll be hunting has a small pond about 25 yds from an iside corner of a pasture. There is a bedding area just to the west of the corner and a trail that leads from bedding to water. With the high temps we are likely to see here in late Sept. I'm betting that pond sees some traffic. I'll have a ladder stand in a large oak about 30 yds into the woods downwind from the bedding area overlooking the trail. I feel good about this spot, really good!
Sept 13th. Have the stand picked out and everything. Know the time Ill arrive and time Ill pull out. It my ladderstand stuck into a corner over looking a 10 acre corn field, theres always been some nice deer coming out of that corner. Maybe this year Ill take somn worth putting on the wall out of that stand.
I wouldn't give up opening day for Cabo....your suppose to have a better planner than that. Your getting married right? I hope that date isn't coinciding with the opener, remember it's not just one day, it's the anniversary forever as well. Opener here in PA is Oct 4th. I should skip away and hit NC prior to that tho.
About a year ago when I was in the process of selecting a wedding date I thought to myself "Is Opening Day really that great? Is this something I absolutely cannot miss or it will effect my mental well-being for the rest of my life?" As I thought about it more I realized a few things. First and foremost, 80% of the time I don't even hunt on Opening Day. If October 1 falls during the week, I don't hunt. If it falls on a weekend, great! I'll be in the tree ready to go. If not, I'll wait until the first weekend of the season and head out then. Second, of all the times and years I've hunted early in the season, let's say the first 10 days of October, I have rarely if ever seen a good buck on his feet during daylight. At best I may schwack a doe, but that's about it. Most of the time I just sit there and twiddle my thumbs for awhile then go home. IMO if I'm going to take any time off work to hunt, it had better be worth it. So that means the last week of Oct and first two weeks of Nov are the time for me. My anniversary will forever be on September 27th, but that's something I'm willing to live with.
They have whitetail (deer) in Cabo? Opener here in Michigan is Oct 1, hopefully I be hunting in another State on that date.
Yep I will be behind the camera for my buddy Steve hunting with Todd and Kyle on the west side of Illinois!!! Walt
Il opener is on a Wednesday this year. I have decided to work that day but have the 2nd & 3rd off. As for a location I have no clue yet since I can only hunt public. A decision will be made just prior.
Your getting married or honey mooning in deer season is said violation of mad card holding abilities. Did i mention that i had to give mine up to She made me get married under duress Oct 26
I will be at the cabin land with the boys and most likely on a ridge waiting to the clumsy state hunters to chase my big boy right back down to me. That night, I will be hunting for real at one of my new spots. The first Monday time Rob?
I'll be out Sept 3, 2 days after the official opener. Got several stands hung (thanksDukemichaels) and a LOne Wolf for the fine tuning!
I had no idea Walt. Now you tell me!! When we leaving?? Just kidding Walt. I have no idea when and where I'll be going this year come deer season. I may try some early season buck hunting for the 1st time ever. Usually I don't take to the woods until Mid October when the pre rut starts heating up.