The start of the hunt... The Wait...... The Wait..... The Wait..... The Wait...... And you might even enter another mental state where you are in part dream world/part reality.....THEN you turn your head and see him out of nowhere, not knowing how he got there.... Then all your nerves/muscles/brain/emotions begin either to work as one, or fall apart...DO you have the guts to make a move and kill the deer or do you fold? I LOVE IT! And the spoils of your hunt.....
Nice vs, NICE ! You know, there's nothing stopping us from sitting in treestands early without our bows BUT IT"S JUST NOT THE SAME THING is it? I work tomorrow, off Friday and then Saturday I'm HUNTING! Nice vs.
That's true but can you imagine the feeling you would have if "the one" walked by and all you have is a camera. That's just torture on a bowhunters soul!
YOU GOT TO LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!:D I'm off now. I finished at 7am this mourning. The next couple of days are gouing to go by so slow
I will be in a tree at 6:00AM tomorrow. If that deer in the pic steps out, I will load my huggies, then kill him.:D
have to agree we LAE ....besides the soiling i would have to not fall out of the stand and try and kill him...
There wasn't one photo with Justin in it... How can you make an awesome bowhunting picture post with out one single photo of "The World's Most Interesting Bowhunter"?...
Nice post. I was already excited, now I am in a frenzy. I got one more full day of work, a half day and then on to the opening day. Life is good. I am thankful for what appears to be another gift from God, yet one more archery season has arrived.:D
Jeff, bow hooks are my absolute favorite thing to leave in the woods--why do you think I picked up three of them in NC?>
I have bow hooks in many trees. Some I walk by and look up and say, yup still there. Hell I have a EZ Hanger hanging in a tree in York Co when I hunted with Twild, Matt / PA and Ben last year. Twild says it's still there. LMAO. Maybe I'll get it this year if I hunt that same area. If I can get it out of the tree. I'm sure it's grown.
Last year I left a EZ hanger in a tree even after I tore down the set. Wasn't till I was done did I look up and realize that I had done it.