I don't want ANY deer right under me. I want them to come and go. Every second a deer looters around is another second I can get busted.
When I'm not actively hunting, I use a "runners" water bladder vest. Mine is by a name brand of Nathan, got it on Amazon. Lightweight, has pockets for snacks, comes with a drink tube and valve. I use it a lot when hiking, camping, kayaking, etc.....
Due to my deep walks in, I carried at least 20 ounces of water with me. I bought a water bottle for a bicycle with the attachment and attached it to my stand on an out of the way area. For my summit viper, I put it on the side rail of the floor platform and put a small bungee around it just in case. For my climbing platform for being a saddle bOi, I attach it to one of the "V" braces on my open shot climbing platform/ open shot top piece. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B000DZBK9C/ref=ewc_pr_img_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1