This is my sons first Buck (deer period) He shot it with a BOWTECH Strikeforce x-bow. 25 yards then buried in a down tree another 30 yards behind the buck. The hit was a little far back but the deer was recovered in s short distance thanks to him finding first blood) i Love those young eyes that can still we did back out and went back and got dinner the a freind and i went out to recover the deer, it was a school night so i had to get him out of bed for the pics. One proud Dad and one happy family.
Awesome Congrats to the young hunter and his proud Papa. Cool deer I saw one like that before with that tight drop spike. Very cool!
I'm so proud of him. What a fantastic way to start of his hunting prowess. Not everyone get's to shoot a Rob buck. :p :D Congrats again Frank and son. ;-)
congratz to that lil' guy! love the fact that you woke him outta bed for the photo! im sure he was the talk of his class, and still prob is!!!!!!!!